[Distutils] PyPi Size Limits

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Mon Apr 11 08:27:34 EDT 2016

> On Apr 11, 2016, at 4:26 AM, Phil Thompson <phil at riverbankcomputing.com> wrote:
> I hope this is the right place to ask this, apologies if not...
> I want to make my project's wheels available via PyPi. However they exceed the size limits imposed by PyPi. Each release has three wheels (four once Linux wheels are supported) each being about 70M.
> What are my options?
> Is there a way to get PyPi to accept larger wheels?

Sort of. Legacy PyPI doesn’t do it but Warehouse (PyPI 2.0) does. Warehouse is currently in development but is available for people to use right now (with a couple of caveats).

Caveats (off the top of my head):

* Warehouse isn’t “production” so it may or may not be working at any given time and no priority is given to trying to keep it running (no monitoring, etc).
* Warehouse doesn’t issue PURGE statements to PyPI, so you may need to either wait for caches to timeout or carefully order how you upload (e.g. if sdist is small enough but wheels aren’t, upload Wheels to Warehouse first, then sdist to PyPI).
* If it’s broken, it may be broken in a way that corrupts your upload, requiring you to reissue the release.

On the other hand, I’d love more people to be using Warehouse and seeing what bugs they hit so we can make Warehouse better before it launches at pypi.python.org.

> Is there a way for PyPi to reference wheels hosted externally?


> Should I just set up my own public pypi?

That’s an option (and currently the only option if you can’t make your wheels smaller and you’re unhappy with the caveats of using Warehouse atm).

> Thanks,
> Phil
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Donald Stufft
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