[Distutils] How to implement ‘setup.py’ functionality that itself needs third-party distributions

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Wed Jan 21 03:38:32 CET 2015

Marius Gedminas <marius at gedmin.as> writes:

> You shouldn't ever define an entry point that points to a package or
> module that won't be installed.

This has now become clear. Thanks to everyone in this series of threads
who has explained this.

My preference of course was to avoid entry points, but it seemed a way
out of the circular dependency. I now see that this is not a solution

> I'll attempt some suggestions:

Thanks very much for making a concerted attempt to find a solution.

>   2. Implement metadata extraction using custom command classes[*] and
>      setup_requires.

This seems to be the only one which might be feasible (and without
needless duplication of information, which is part of the whole point of
this exercise). I will learn more and try it.

 \        “I was in Las Vegas, at the roulette table, having a furious |
  `\     argument over what I considered to be an odd number.” —Steven |
_o__)                                                           Wright |
Ben Finney

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