[Distutils] Self Introduction and Getting Hands On

Bohuslav Kabrda bkabrda at redhat.com
Tue Jun 26 08:56:13 CEST 2012

Hi all,
I recently came upon Tarek's blogpost [1] about converting Python packages to rpm specfiles. I have pretty good knowledge of this, as I am a Fedora package maintainer and Python is one of my main responsibilities. I have always wanted to become a Python developer and becoming part of distutils-sig and trying to give a helping hand with RPM related stuff is probably a good entry point for me :)

To introduce myself, I work at Red Hat as a package maintainer for dynamic languages, I am author of the new Fedora-used pyp2rpm [2], [3], which tries to do exactly what Py2RPM is supposed to be. (Well, it's not perfect, but it can do 90 % of the work, usually. So far, it doesn't work with distutils2, but I'll probably be working on that when Python 3.3 gets released.) I also have some minor not-yet-released projects in Python, I work with Django and I'm just a Python enthusiast. In Fedora, I am a maintainer/comaintainer of both Python and Python3, Django and another 15+ (and growing) set of packages.

Thanks for reading this through :) I'm looking forward to working with - and learning from - all of you.

Bohuslav "Slavek" Kabrda.

[1] http://ziade.org/2011/03/25/bdist_rpm-is-dead-long-life-to-py2rpm/
[2] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyp2rpm
[3] https://bitbucket.org/bkabrda/pyp2rpm

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