[Distutils] virtualenv & pypi-server

Andrea Crotti andrea.crotti.0 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 12:21:21 CEST 2011

On 10/25/2011 09:59 PM, PJ Eby wrote:
> If you use the "-m" option to easy_install, the easy-install.pth won't 
> be changed (or even created, if it doesn't exist).  Instead, the 
> application scripts will simply add the needed eggs to their path at 
> runtime.
> This is the most flexible approach; the only downside to it is if you 
> just start a Python interpreter, none of the eggs will be on sys.path 
> unless you explicitly pkg_resources.require() them.  But for stable 
> app deployment, or even app development (using "setup.py develop" or 
> "setup.py test") it works rather well.

Thanks a lot, that might be a nice solution.
Reading the doc I would have never guessed it since "-m" stands for 

Anyway the other problem is that our applications are actually Envisage 
applications (which have plugin
discovery at run-time) which complicates things a little bit.
I'll try to make a trivial example and see if it might work...

However, I still need a pypi-server running on localhost to discover all 
the eggs I might need to require, is that correct?

> To me buildout sounds like overkill - I have a whole bunch of projects 
> I develop that are installed with "setup.py develop" on my development 
> machine.  Any changes I make to the source are immediately seen by any 
> other projects sharing the same targeted installation directory.

Yes maybe it's a bit overkill, and involves more complexity, I'll first 
try the "easy" way...

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