[Distutils] [RFC] eggbuild

Alan Franzoni mailing at franzoni.eu
Thu Nov 4 16:52:59 CET 2010

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Manlio Perillo <manlio.perillo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.

Ciao Manlio!

> Basically, the idea is to build a setuptools distribution format that,
> like PyInstaller, is *self contained* (containing all required packages
> and all external shared libraries).
> However, unlike PyInstaller, there are some important differences,
> listed in the README file.

What are the key *advantages* ? From what I can see the great
difference is in packaging, since it aims at providing automatic
multi-format output support; but there're already some efforts to
create a .deb or a .rpm from an arbitrary, well formed python project;
I'm not sure about MSI installers, but this still seems to carry some
problems, as you say later.

Maybe an automated support for pyinstaller packaging would be more
useful, as it's already tested and being used around with success;
otherwise you'd be duplicating a lot of effort from that project.

Also, check zc.buildout: by properly setting the paths inside a "main
dir", you can get a great jar-like effect and achieve a result which
is very similar to your original intent, e.g. you can have an
/opt/something dir holding your code, your scripts, and all downloads
& dependency eggs. And it's *really* easy to automatically create an
rpm once your project is setup that way, I think zc.buildout is
already got a recipe for RPMs about that.

Alan Franzoni
contact me at public@[mysurname].eu

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