[Distutils] zc.buildout fails to use system-installed dep?

Alan Franzoni mailing at franzoni.eu
Fri Dec 3 20:35:14 CET 2010

I had only linux to test it with, and I could reproduce the bug on two
distinct Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit workstations.

It doesn't happen on Ubuntu 10.04, but that distro is got
zope.interface 3.5.something and I can see zope.interface gets
downloaded again.

It doesn't happen on mac os x with python 2.7 either, even though
zope.interface was installed through easy_install. I forgot to specify
that Ubuntu 10.10 is got Python 2.6.5.

I suspect it's something ubuntu-specific, maybe related to the fact
that it's not an egg-installed package, but a .deb installed one -
some interference between the two install systems is not unlikely.

Just some questions for you, Attila:

- was your zope.interface installed through portage or via easy_install/pip?
- can you see zope.interface 3.6.1 being downloaded during the
buildout launch phase?

Alan Franzoni
contact me at public@[mysurname].eu

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