[Distutils] PEP 376 - from PyPM's point of view

Sridhar Ratnakumar sridharr at activestate.com
Tue Jul 14 02:12:32 CEST 2009

Here are my comments regarding PEP 376 with respect to PyPM (the Python
package manager being developd at ActiveState)

Multiple versions: I understand that the PEP does not support
installation (thus uninstallation) of multiple versions of the same
package. Should this be explicitly mentioned in the PEP -- as
`get_distribution` API accepts only `name` argument, and not a `version`

> get_distribution(name) -> Distribution or None.
>Scans all elements in sys.path and looks for all directories ending
> with .egg-info. Returns a Distribution corresponding to the .egg-info
> directory that contains a PKG-INFO that matches name for the name
> metadata.
>Notice that there should be at most one result. The first result
> founded is returned. If the directory is not found, returns None.

Some packages have package names with mixed case. Example: ConfigObj
.. as registered in setup.py. However, other packages such as turbogears
specifies "configobj" (lowercase) in their install_requires.

Is `get_distribution(name)` supposed to handle mixed cases? Will it
match both 'ConfigObj' and 'configobj'?

> get_installed_files(local=False) -> iterator of (path, md5, size)

Will this also return the directories /created/ during the installation?
For example, will it also contain the entry "docutils" .. along with

If not, how is the installer (pip, pypm, etc..) supposed to know which
directories to remove (docutils/) and which directories not to remove
(site-packages/, bin/, etc..)?

> The new version of PEP 345 (XXX work in progress) extends the Metadata
> standard and fullfills the requirements described in PEP 262, like the
> REQUIRES section.

Can you tell more about this?

I see that PEP 262 allows both distributions names ('docutils') and
modules/packages ('roman.py') in the 'Requires:' section. Is this how
the new PEP is going to adhere to? Or, is it going to adhere to PEP
345's way of allowing *only* modules/packages?

In practice, I noticed that packages usually specify distribution names
in their 'Requires:' file (or install_requires.txt in the case of
setuptools). Hence, PyPM *assumes* the install requirements to be
distribution name. But then .. most distributions have the same name as
their primary module/package.

Ok, so PEP 345 also specifies the 'Provides:' header. Does
easy_install/pip make use 'Provides:' at all when resolving
dependencies? For example, does 'pip install sphinx' go look for all
distributions that 'provides' the 'docutils' provision.. or does it
simply get the distribution named 'docutils'?


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