[Distutils] RFC PEP 386 : Version comparisons

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 14:20:51 CEST 2009


back to that discussion, after re-reading all the threads I have a proposal :

1- let's add as we said "install_requires" in PEP 345 and describe in
it that people can define requirements,
  but without giving them rules for the version schemes.

  We will just write in that PEP that it's up to the *dependency
manager* (pip, setuptools, zc.buildout, etc)
  to provide a cmp() for the version.

  The only rule will be that each dependency is described like this :

     dist_name [<|>|==|!=|>=|<=] version

  where version is free and dist_name in [a-zA-Z0-9]

2- let's drop PEP 386 completely

3- I'll start a separate, standalone project that contains the less
controversial form of verlib.py, (the one that doesn't contains the
post-dev stuff)
    so we won't lose the work we all did in that.

Any thoughts ?


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