[Distutils] Properly handle username/password for subversion

Patrice Neff mailinglists at patrice.ch
Fri Jan 23 09:00:36 CET 2009


In the online documentations of EasyInstall I read about the username/ 
password syntax: <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#password-protected-sites 
 >. I was then surprised to find that this does not work for links to  
Subversion repositories. That's important to us as we deploy all our  
development snapshots from Subversion directly.

For the time being I have worked around the problem by deploying the  
~/.subversion/auth directory to our servers. But I was still  
interested in a proper fix. May I suggest the patch which I uploaded  
on <http://paste.pocoo.org/show/100934/>?

Patrice Neff

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