[Distutils] Python people want CPAN and how the latter came about

David Cournapeau cournape at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 04:39:25 CET 2009

2009/12/23 Lennart Regebro <regebro at gmail.com>:

>  And this has WHAT to do with CPAN? Just to try to keep even remotely
> on topic?

The fact that you consider it is not linked is exactly what's wrong in
my own opinion. If you want a reliable distribution channel, its
content (the installers) has to be reliable, and for the content to be
reliable, the tools to produce them have too as well.

When you have a failure with easy_install about some sandbox
violation, missing file, etc... it is a failure of Pypi for the user,
but the underlying reason is the packaging tool in the first place.

> And isn't
> the answer still: "Well, do it then?"


which is why I am trying to get some agreement on at least some low
level mechanisms which can be shared between tools. The exact thing
you already complain last time this was discussed.


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