[Distutils] question about future pip capabilities

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 23:28:29 CET 2009

2009/12/10 Darren Dale <dsdale24 at gmail.com>:
> 2009/12/10 Alex Grönholm <alex.gronholm at nextday.fi>:
>> 10.12.2009 19:18, Darren Dale kirjoitti:
>>> * The documentation states that easy_install will be deprecated, and
>>> that we should use pip. Isn't this premature, given the current
>>> discrepancy between the capabilities and platform support of pip and
>>> easy_install?
>> The next major distribute release (the one that nixes easy_install) is
>> relatively far in the future, and we (well, I at least) expect pip to have
>> matured enough by then.
> What gives you that confidence? Ian Bicking just responded that there
> is currently not a timeline for full windows support, installing from
> binaries on windows, or project extras.

He said that because no one worked on it yet.

By the time we will want to release Distribute 0.7 (without
easy_install), if pip doesn't have what is required to support win32,
I (or some other Distribute dev) will try to contribute to pip to help
making it happen (if no one did before).

IOW, the release of Distribute 0.7.x will be done once pip has what is
required todrop easy_install for good


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