[Distutils] setuptools Fails with Subversion 1.5

Augie Fackler lists at durin42.com
Tue Feb 26 05:20:57 CET 2008

Hey all,

With Subversion 1.5 entering alpha, I've been using it for more than  
just a few projects, and I've noticed that setuptools fails to run in  
a 1.5 working copy. For the short term, I've found that I can just  
modify the setuptools source to trust that version 9 WCs will work the  
same as version 8 WCs. The diff for that is attached.

Based on what I've read of subversion's README on the format of the  
entries file, the modification I've made should be just fine - the  
overall structure of the file is the same, there's just some new tags  
possible which will already not get stuck in the regex already in  
place. In my local testing, using setuptools for installing files  
works just fine with this patch in place.

Augie Fackler
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