[Distutils] [ANN] pypicache 0.1

Robin Bryce robinbryce at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 05:53:37 CEST 2007

Hi All,

I've just uploaded pypicache 0.1 to the PyPI index. I think it might
be interesting to readers of this list. pypicache aims to be a
relatively simple way to produce &maintain a personal package index -
possibly just your PYTHON_EGG_CACHE directory - and have it published
to easy_install over a LAN or intranet.

Please let me know what you make of pypicache. I'm especially
interested in whether or not I've correctly implemented the
Project/Page mappings and down load urls. And in general please point
out any glaringly bad ideas !

I'm currently hosting a small example index at
http://svn.wiretooth.com/pypi/.  There is a small 'first use' guide
based on the steps I took to this index up and running:

Some more links

general info: http://svn.wiretooth.com/svn/open/pypicache/tags/release-0.1/pypicache.html
tool help: http://svn.wiretooth.com/svn/open/pypicache/tags/release-0.1/indexpackages-man.html

The tool produces exactly one html page per (safe) project/version
combination and generates a single mod-rewrite text map to provide the
/Project/, Project/VER uri name space.

Everything it generates, apache configuration and project pages, is
contained in the index directory beside the distributions.


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