[Distutils] small improvement of the script functionality under win32

Trent Mick trentm at ActiveState.com
Wed Mar 30 23:52:17 CEST 2005

[Bob Ippolito wrote]
> Also important to consider: what happens to COMSPEC when you're using a 
> cygwin shell?  Will a cygwin shell run .cmd files?
> (I don't really use Windows anymore...)

I don't know. Trying...
Under the cygwin bash shell there *is* a TERM=cygwin environment
variable that, I suppose, could be checked. I don't use the cygwin bash
shell at all (and I don't think that people should, for various reasons
including http://trentm.com/blog/?p=10). You *can* run .bat files (and I
presume .cmd files as well) under Cygwin bash, but you have the specify
the extension: i.e. the PATHEXT stuff doesn't work.

As I said:
    > >I didn't really read the patch, so I can't give an opinion, but there 
I'm now worried that I am giving bad advice. :)


Trent Mick
TrentM at ActiveState.com

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