[Distutils] bdist_rpm

Jonathan Stoneman jonathan at stoneman.me.uk
Fri Aug 13 12:16:16 CEST 2004


I've just come across distutils and it's done 90% of what I need really
well.  I've not been able to find/work out how to do two things though.

I am using distutils to package a python application into an rpm.  Using
setup's packages and scripts keyword arguments, distutils is managing
the actual application well.  What I'd like it to also do is...

  o  Manage a config file by adding it to the rpm spec file's %config 

  o  Deal with a /use/share/docs/application directory.  By adding the 
     files within that directory to setup's data_files keyword argument
     the directory is created and populated with the files on install.
     When uninstalling the rpm, the files are removed but the directory
     is not.

Is it possible to get distutils to deal with these files in the way that
I want?


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