[Distutils] bdist_wininst: post-installation changes?

Steven Knight knight@baldmt.com
Mon Apr 29 11:37:02 2002

I don't think this is supported, but I just want to make sure...

Is there any way, in the generated Win32 installer, to have it perform
some arbitrary post-installation editing?

To cover Win9x systems, I'd like to install a .bat file in C:\PythonXX\
using the Bruce Eckel preamble from the Python FAQ:

    @echo off
    rem = """
    rem run python on this bat file. Needs the full path where
    rem you keep your python files. The -x causes python to skip
    rem the first line of the file:
    python -x c:\aaa\Python\\"%0".bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
    goto endofpython
    rem """

    # The python program goes here:

The problem is that the "%0" expansion needs the full path name to where
the .bat file is installed (C:\PythonXX\), and that's not known until
the installer runs and consults the registry to find out where Python is

Is there anything I can have the installer do to accomodate this?  A
quick glance at the code didn't turn up anything (but it *was* very
quick... :-).
