[Distutils] Multi-distribution distributions

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Mon Jan 8 06:58:01 2001

Andrew Kuchling wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 11:49:06PM -0800, Paul Prescod wrote:
> >I could have a special case for NumPy and a special case for ZODB and a
> >special case for ... But there are around 600 extensions on the Vaults
> >of Parnassus and about 1800 Perl extensions on CPAN. If I'm going to
> The unified ZODB distribution is really several extensions in one:
> ExtensionClasses, for example, are potentially useful in their own
> right without the rest of ZODB.  But I don't want to make people
> download seven different packages, so they're wrapped up in a single
> distribution.  The true solution would be a tool like Debian's apt-get
> to automatically download the dependencies for a package, but that's a
> long way away.  If you're working on a Python package manager for
> ActiveState and want to package the ZODB, then all the components can
> just be packaged separately.
> I'm not sure if a similar approach would help for the mx* packages,
> though, and agree that some convention should be selected.  Anyone got
> any ideas?

I am currently planning to release the mx Extensions as three
packages: BASE, CRYPTO and COMMERCIAL. Each of these packages
will contain a set of mx subpackages with CRYPTO and COMMERCIAL
depending on BASE.

The reason for me to bundle the subpackages is that of simplified
maintenance -- as the number of subpackages increases, I can
no longer distribute them separately. Since diskspace is cheap
and bandwidth is too, I don't see much of a problem with this

Still, I agree that it would be nice to at tell distutils
to create RPM, DEB, etc. dependencies automatically.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Company:                                        http://www.egenix.com/
Consulting:                                    http://www.lemburg.com/
Python Pages:                           http://www.lemburg.com/python/