[Distutils] Some code to play with

Gregor Hoffleit flight@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 16:18:28 +0200

On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 10:10:22AM -0500, Greg Ward wrote:
> Go crazy.  No documentation yet -- please read the code!  Start with
> distutils/core.py which, as its name implies, is the start of
> everything.  I went nuts with docstrings in that module last night, so
> hopefully there's just enough there that you can figure things out in
> the absence of the "Distutils Implementation Notes" document that I'd
> like to write.

Just a quick question: Does the package support something like
autoconf's DESTDIR ? I.e. installing the built package in a directory
different from the actual target ? I'm not sure if that's in the scope 
of `build --dir' or `install --prefix'.

DESTDIR is necessary for building Debian packages: Debian's packaging
tools work on files in `pwd`/debian/tmp. Generally, something like
"./configure --prefix /usr; make; make DESTDIR=`pwd`/debian/tmp
install" is used. Note that this is different from setting prefix to
