[DB-SIG] URI syntax for databases

Dittmar, Daniel daniel.dittmar at sap.com
Thu Mar 31 11:22:47 CEST 2005

>In the end, I think it's more efficient to implement such
>a function in an abstraction layer which is maintained
>independently from the DB-API database modules. Otherwise,
>you'd have to wait for all modules to implement the change
>and that can take a few years.

Perhaps the abstraction layer should look for <module>.uri_connect. If
this function cannot be found, then a database specific translation of
uri to connect () is used. Otherwise, changes to the driver specific
connect would also require changes to the abstraction layer connect.

An alternative would be to always use uri_connect. In addition, a set of
modules is provided that implements this uri translation for older
drivers. The user would then have to choose between the real module or
the translation module.


Daniel Dittmar
SAP Labs Berlin
daniel.dittmar at sap.com  

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