[DB-SIG] Escaping Placeholders

Federico Di Gregorio fog at initd.org
Tue Jul 6 20:49:05 CEST 2004

Lì martedì, 2004/07/06 alle 20:39, +0200, Peter L. Buschman ha scritto:
> Andy:
> Thanks.  Are you saying there is no explicit escaping of placeholders?  If 
> so, that actually makes my problem
> somewhat easier as I am working on a set of translation routines to convert 
> from any paramstyle to any other
> paramstyle.  Going from ?,?,? to :1,:2:,:3, :param1,:param2,:param3, 
> %s,%s,%s, or :%(param1)s,%(param2)s,%(param3)s

placeholders (at least the pythonic ones) should be escapeable. just try
to write the following query without using the '%%' escape sequence:

    SELECT id, name, type, data FROM zot 
     WHERE name LIKE '%%side' AND type = %s

now, if you can't tell .execute() that the first % is really a % by
using the %% escape, what would you do?

psycopg just uses python rules and correctly manage the %% escape.

Federico Di Gregorio                         http://people.initd.org/fog
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog at debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog at initd.org
  Spesso crescere ed andare a vivere da soli è l'unico modo di restare
   bambini.                                             -- Alice Fontana
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