[DB-SIG] Already begun work on something similar...

Jon Franz coventry@one.net
Tue, 09 Jul 2002 18:00:20 -0400

>>>>>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Jacobs <jacobs@penguin.theopalgroup.com> writes:
>>>> If someone was willing to start building a higher level interface
>>>> which could hide the details of the specific database underneath
>>>> then I would be happy to try integrating my database stuff.

Kevin> Great!  Would you mind going through the list of suggestions
Kevin> from Itamar and me and tell us which ones seem most
Kevin> valuable/feasible?

Dave>I am not really a good person to do that.  My database knowledge is
Dave>not really very good. 

I've begun work on such a wrapper myself, but was only just past the 
planning stages...  Its very ADO-alike, but stripped down to the most-used
pieces.  I'm taking what I like from ADO, perl-DBI, Delphi DB Objects, and
trying to make something exceedingly easy to use for the average joe.

The _main_ thing I see missing from the DB API, that makes the wrapper 
I'm working on quite a pain, is a fetch-column-by-name capability, instead 
of indexing into the returned tuple via a number.  Of course, I may be 
looking past something in the documentation that aloows this - so 
enlighten me.  Even if its just a quick wrokaround, it'd be helpful.

I've noticed that the old, non DBAPI compliant modules for postgreSQL have 
this functionality, but I did not want to write my wrapper against a non 
DBAPI module.

PS: sorry for jumping into the middle of this conversation.