[Datetime-SIG] Calendar vs timespan calculations...

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 02:36:31 CEST 2015

[Alexander Belopolsky <alexander.belopolsky at gmail.com>]
> I think we can change the behavior  datetime.__add__ and
> datetime.__sub__ if we do it based on the type of the object attached
> as tzinfo.  For example, if we introduce a new abstract subclass of
> the tzinfo class called say "tzstrict", then we
> can be sure that there is no tzinfo implementation in the wild that
> inherits from tzstrict (we fully control the datetime module
> namespace.)   Now, we can make datetime.__add__ and __sub__ check the
> type of the tzinfo member on its argument(s) and apply the new rules
> if one of them is an instance of tzstrict.

It's a happy idea :-)

> With these changes in place, users who want new aware datetime
> arithmetic will use timezone implementations that inherit from
> tzstrict and legacy applications can continue using existing timezone
> libraries.  And we can spend the next decade arguing what kind of
> timezone implementation belongs to the standard library. :-)

Or fixing all the bugs in the recommended way to write tzstrict instances ;-)

Speaking of which, the current tzinfo API has no way to ask "is this
an ambiguous time?" or "is this an invalid (missing) time?"  The most
important new question callers will want to resolve  is "what should
`first` (aka is_dst) be now?".  The only (at best indirectly) relevant
things we can ask it now are "what's the total UTC offset at the
local-time instant I represent?", and likewise "what's the DST
adjustment component of the total UTC offset at (etc)?:"  And there's
no way at all now to ask (not even indirectly) whether the standard
UTC offset has changed.

So it's unclear to me how arithmetic (or anything else) can use the
current tzinfo API efficiently to set the `first` (aka is_dst) flag
correctly in all cases.   Perhaps tzstrict could grow a helpful new
method or two to make this easy for callers?  The logic is bound to be
annoying enough that we'd want to concentrate it in tzstrict (rather
then replicate it all over call sites).

But  no concrete suggestions from me at this time.

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