[Datetime-SIG] Local time disambiguation proposal

Alexander Walters tritium-list at sdamon.com
Thu Jul 30 19:46:46 CEST 2015

Just looking at the attribute '.first' does not tell you what it is 
intended to mean.  '.is_dst' of one spelling or another is unambiguous; 
"This datetime object is in the 'special'[1] time." '.first' also makes 
the default 'True', and it might just be me, but I don't like that 

[1]  Arguments over if DST is the new standard time or not in some parts 
of the world not withstanding

On 7/30/2015 12:43, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
> I would like to make a specific proposal on a narrow topic of how to
> handle ambiguities inherent in representing time instances in common
> time zones.   The following is a rough sketch where I attempted to
> identify the areas affected by the proposal and outline the proposed
> changes.
> =======
> Rationale
> =======
> In the most world locations there have been and will be times when
> local clocks are moved back.  In those times intervals are introduced
> in which local clocks show the same time twice in the same day.   In
> these situations, the information displayed on a local clock (or
> stored in a Python datetime instance) is insufficient to identify a
> particular instance in time.   The proposed solution is to add a
> boolean flag to the datetime instances that will distinguish between
> the two ambiguous times.
> =======
> Proposal
> =======
> The "first" flag
> ------------------
> We propose adding a boolean member called "first" to the instances of
> datetime.time and datetime.time classes.   This member will have the
> value True for all instances except those that represent the second
> (chronologically) moment in time in an ambiguous case.
> Affected APIs
> ------------------
> Attributes
> ...............
> Instances of datetime.time and datetime.datetime will get a new
> boolean attribute called "first."
> Constructors
> ....................
> The __new__ methods of the datetime.time and datetime.datetime classes
> will get a new keyword-only argument first=True that will control the
> value of the "first" attribute in the returned instance.
> Methods
> .............
> The replace() methods methods of the datetime.time and
> datetime.datetime classes will get a new keyword-only argument
> first=True that will control the value of the "first" attribute in the
> returned instance.
> Affected behaviors
> -------------------------
> Implementations of tzinfo
> .......................................
> Subclasses of datetime.tzinfo will read the values of "first" in
> utcoffset() and dst() methods and set it appropriately in the
> instances
> returned by the fromutc() method.  No change to the signatures of
> these methods is proposed.
> Pickle size
> --------------
> Pickle sizes for the datetime.datetime and datetime.time objects will
> not change.  The "first" flag will be encoded in the first bit of the
> byte that currently stores the 4th byte of the datetime.datetime
> pickle payload or the 1st byte of the datetime.time. In the current
> implementation [1] these bytes are used to store hour value (0-23) and
> the first bit is always 0.  Note that first=True will be encoded as 0
> in the first bit and first=False as 1.  (This change only affects
> pickle format.  In C implementation, the "first" member will get a
> full byte to store the actual boolean value.)
> Temporal arithmetics
> ----------------------------
> The value of "first" will be ignored in all operations except
> utcoffset() and dst() methods of tzinfo implementations and __eq__ and
> __hash__ methods of the datetime.datetime and datetime.time  classes.
> The only methods that will be able to  produce nonzero values of
> "first" are __new__ and replace() methods of the datetime.datetime and
> datetime.time  classes and fromutc() method of some tzinfo
> implementations.
> Backward and forward compatibility
> -----------------------------------------------
> This proposal will have no effect on the programs that do not set the
> "first" flag explicitly or use tzinfo implementations that do.
> Pickles produced by older programs will remain fully forward
> compatible.  Only datetime/time instances with first=False pickled in
> the new versions will become unreadable by the older Python versions.
> Pickles of instances with first=False will remain unchanged.
> ==================
> Questions and Answers
> ==================
> 1. Why not call the new flag "isdst"?
> Alice:  Bob - let's have a stargazing party at 01:30 AM tomorrow!
> Bob:  Should I presume initially that summer time (for example,
> Daylight Saving Time) is or is not (respectively) in effect for the
> specified time?
> Allice: Huh?
> Bob: Alice - let's have a stargazing party at 01:30 AM tomorrow!
> Alice: You know, Bob, 01:30 AM will happen twice tomorrow. Which one
> do you have in mind?
> Bob:  I did not think about it, but let's pick the first.
> [1]: https://hg.python.org/cpython/file/d3b20bff9c5d/Include/datetime.h#l17
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