[Cython] Most efficient way to create an object with Python C-API

Daniele Nicolodi daniele at grinta.net
Tue Jun 16 16:32:47 EDT 2020


this is not a question directly related to cython, but I think the
readers of this list may have the right expertise to answer it.

I am working on a Python extension where I need to instantiate a lot of
Decimal objects. I would like to make it as efficient as possible.
Unfortunately the C-API of the _decimal module is not exposed (as is for
example done for the datetime module).

The straightforward approach is something on the lines of:

PyObject* decimal = PyImport_ImportModule("decimal");
PyObject* constructor = PyObject_GetAttrString(m, "Decimal");

and then instantiate the objects with something like:

PyObject* obj = PyObject_CallFunction(PyDec_Type, "s#", str, len);

Is there a better way?

I was thinking about getting to the PyTypeObject for Decimal, like

PyTypeObject* type = Py_TYPE(obj);

but then I don't see an easy way to use it to instantiate an object.

Am I missing something?

Thank you.


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