[Cython] Mitigating perfomance impact of NumPy API change

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 03:25:39 EDT 2018

Breaking this into a number of sub-dsicussions, since we seem to be 
branching. The original topic was

Re: [Cython] Enhancing "ctyepdef class numpy.ndarray" with getter properties

On 28/09/18 01:20, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> Hmm...so in this case it upgrading Cython would cause an unconditional 
> switch from direct access to a function call without any code change 
> (or choice) for users of numpy.pxd. I am curious what kind of a 
> slowdown this would represent (though would assume this kind of 
> analysis was done by the NumPy folks when choosing macro vs. function 
> for the public API).
>     As I point out in the "experiment" comment referenced above,
>     pandas has
>     code that needs lvalue access to ndarray data, so they would be stuck
>     with the old API which is deprecated but still works for now.
>     Scipy has
>     no such code and oculd move forward to the newer API.
> But if we upgraded Cython, how would they access the old API? I 
> suppose they could create a setter macro of their own to use in the 
> (presumably few) cases where they needed an lvalue.
> - Robert

NumPy changed its recommended API to an opaque one via inline getter 
functions in 2011, in this PR https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/116. I 
could not find a discussion on performance impact, perhaps since the 
functions are in the header files and marked inline. Hopefully the 
compilers will properly deal with making them fast. However, it is true 
that when people update to a new version of a library things change. In 
this case, there are backward-compatibility macros that revert the 
post-1.7 functions into pre-1.7 macros with the same name.

Thus for the experiment I used a new numpy.pxd, defined the pre-1.7 api 
in the pandas build (experimental changeset 
and was still able to access ndarray.data as a lvalue.


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