[Cython] bug report

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Thu Jul 21 02:13:48 EDT 2016

swapnil jariwala schrieb am 15.07.2016 um 14:11:
> trac.cython.org does not open for me, I've come across an error while
> trying the tutorial, I've elaborated the same in below question
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38386722/how-to-resolve-error-error-compiling-cython-file-error
> any help would be highly appreciated.

It seems to me that you don't want the "__init__.py" file in your
directory. That makes it a package.

Note that this question would be best suited for the cython-users mailing
list, rather than the cython-devel core developers mailing list.


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