[Cython] Bug in 0.24.0a0: bytes passed instead of strings

Marvin Poul ponder at creshal.de
Tue Feb 23 11:15:37 EST 2016


when trying to debug cython3 modules from gdb build also with python3,
you get a error in gdb plugin code "Python Exception <class 'TypeError'>
must be str, not bytes:". This is because in Cython.Debugger.libcython
during "cy import" or "cy break" a bytes object is passed to
gdb.string_to_argv, but it expects a normal str. I attached a simple fix
that worked for me, but I don't know enough about the gdb's plugin
system whether it will hold in all cases.

The gdb version I ran into this with is 7.10.1.

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