[Cython] RFC: an inline_ function that dumps c/c++ code to the code emitter

Jason Newton nevion at gmail.com
Fri Aug 19 15:32:37 EDT 2016

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 3:19 PM, William Stein <wstein at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 8:19 AM, Jason Newton <nevion at gmail.com> wrote:
> > You must realize that almost any other python driven way to compile
> c-code
> > in the spirit these projects do is deprecated/dead.  Cython has absorbed
> all
> > the reputation and users that didn't go to pure-c/boost.python -
> pybind11 is
> > the new kid on the block there so I'm not including it (I'm of the
> opinion
> > that SWIG users stayed unchanged).  Community belief/QA/designers/google
> all
> > think of Cython first.  Weave has effectively closed up it's doors [...]
> May I ask why "any other python driven way to compile c-code in the
> spirit these projects do is deprecated/dead?"    I'm curious since
> when I started Sage (and Cython based on forking Pyrex), it was
> because none of the other approaches seemed like they would work for
> the developer base I envisioned growing for Sage.   That was a long
> time ago, and I'm always pleasantly surprised that Cython has become
> very popular.  However, I didn't realize the other approaches were
> deprecated/dead.

PyInline's last news update was in 2004 where the author gives a "Hats
of[f] to PyRex", prior to that only a few blog entries in 2001/2002, I've
not come across any project using it but maybe that is not sufficient to
call it deprecated/dead?  Does it work with Python 3?

Pyrex no longer has a userbase.  Last ML post was 2014.

Weave only supports python2, got ripped out of Scipy and also directs to
check out Cython and strongly implies the project is all but
dead/maintenance mode: https://github.com/scipy/weave

Did I miss any of the python driven ways?

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