[Cython] JyNI - C-API emulation for Jython

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Mon Jun 16 15:58:36 CEST 2014


it looks like there is a C-API emulation for Jython on the way:



I haven't tried it yet, and I'm sure Cython modules won't work with its
current state, but the effort I put into making them run in PyPy's cpyext
should pay off here, so we might at some point have a third backend to target.

This also reminded me of IronClad, the C-API layer for IronPython. I looked
it up, but it seems to have died some years ago, with no current effort to
improve it or even just make it work with the latest IronPython releases.



Not sure if it's still worth trying to make that run in Cython.


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