[Cython] Memory leak of memoryview attributes in cdef subclasses

Daniel, Bruno Bruno.Daniel at blue-yonder.com
Wed Sep 25 12:38:02 CEST 2013

Dear Paul,

> Cannot reproduce the failure on Cython 0.19.1. If you are using an
> earlier version, please try that instead.

We also used Cython 0.19.1. If the unit test runs through, this means that
the memory leak is there. I'm sorry for the ambiguity. Please change 
the lines

            if not cause_leak:
                n_memory_views_expexted -= 1

into just

            n_memory_views_expexted -= 1

Then the test will fail if the memory leak exists.

I also just noticed that    


doesn't work in Cython files. The tests are just ignored. Please call the
tests this way instead:  

python -m unittest memoryview_leak

For your convenience, here's the updated code:

-------- File memoryview_leak.pyx ---------------------------------------------------------------
Cython module exposing memory leaks due to memoryview attributes in cdef
classes in Cython 0.19.1


    python setup.py build_ext --inplace


    python -m unittest memoryview_leak
from __future__ import print_function, division

import unittest
import gc

import numpy as np

cdef class LeakTestSuper:
    Superclass for the leak test in :class:`LeakTest1` and :class:`LeakTest2`.

cdef class LeakTest1(LeakTestSuper):
    Class for memory leak testing.

    Holds a memoryview which is extracted from an :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    at initialization.

    This class avoids the leak by resetting the memoryview to None in
    the method :meth:`__dealloc__`.

    ``__del__()`` wouldn't work, because it is not supported in Cython's
    `cdef` classes.
    cdef double[:] _s
    def __init__(self):
        self._s = np.empty(2)

    def __dealloc__(self):
        self._s = None

cdef class LeakTest2(LeakTestSuper):
    Class for memory leak testing.

    Holds an array that is allocated at initialization.
    This class does not avoid the leak and thus exposes the problem with
    memoryviews in Cython.
    cdef double[:] _s
    def __init__(self):
        self._s = np.empty(2)

class TestLeakTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def n_objects_by_type(self, typename):
        return len([
            obj for obj in gc.get_objects()
            if type(obj).__name__ == typename])

    def test_gc(self):
        # Make sure to clear all old memoryviews (circularly referenced).
        # Now there mustn't be any memoryviews left.
        n_memory_views_expexted = 0
        for cause_leak in [False, True, False, True]:
            # Create an object of LeakTest1 or LeakTest2 allocating a memoryview
            # internally.
            leaktest = LeakTest2() if cause_leak else LeakTest1()

            # Check the number of allocated memory views.
            n_memory_views_expexted += 1
            n_memory_views = self.n_objects_by_type('memoryview')
            self.assertEqual(n_memory_views, n_memory_views_expexted)
            # Delete the reference to leaktest and let the garbage collector do
            # its thing.
            del leaktest

            # Check for leaks by counting the memoryviews again.
            if True: # not cause_leak:
                n_memory_views_expexted -= 1
            n_memory_views = self.n_objects_by_type('memoryview')
            self.assertEqual(n_memory_views, n_memory_views_expexted)

Here's the corresponding setup file:
-------- File setup.py ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import print_function, division
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize

    name = "memoryview_leak",
    ext_modules = cythonize('memoryview_leak.pyx'),

Best regards,
    Bruno Daniel

From: cython-devel [cython-devel-bounces+bruno.daniel=blue-yonder.com at python.org] on behalf of cython-devel-request at python.org [cython-devel-request at python.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 12:00 PM
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Subject: cython-devel Digest, Vol 32, Issue 10

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Memory leak of memoryview attributes in cdef subclasses
      (Pauli Virtanen)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:43:14 +0300
From: Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi>
To: cython-devel at python.org
Subject: Re: [Cython] Memory leak of memoryview attributes in cdef
Message-ID: <l1siva$rg5$1 at ger.gmane.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


18.09.2013 16:14, Daniel, Bruno kirjoitti:
> We encountered memory leaks when using memoryview attributes in cdef subclasses
> in Cython code. They can be avoided by adding a dealloc method setting the value
> of the memoryview attribute to None. The problem does not occur in topmost
> cdef classes.
> Here's an example: (See the module docstring on how to compile and run the
> example.)

Cannot reproduce the failure on Cython 0.19.1. If you are using an
earlier version, please try that instead.

One bug with memory leaks in cdef classes was fixed in 0.18 IIRC.

Pauli Virtanen


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