[Cython] Core dump when Python is built without debug symbols

Marin Atanasov Nikolov dnaeon at gmail.com
Thu May 30 13:23:39 CEST 2013


First, apologies if this is not exactly the right place to post this, but I
have  tried already cython-users@ and my post is still pending somewhere
for approval, so I've decided to give it a shot here.

I'm working on Cython wrappers for a C library and everything was going
smooth on my dev machine, until I've decided to install the wrappers on
another machine.

The only difference between these machines is that my dev machine has
Python built with debug symbols and the other machine does not have debug
symbols in Python.

The issue I'm having and was trying to solve for the past few days is that
if I run my Cython wrappers on a machine where Python does not have debug
symbols it core dumps ugly. If I run the same code on another machine with
Python + debug symbols then everything is running perfect.

I've done some debugging and tracing as well, and noticed that the core
dump happens at PyTuple_Size() when I have Python *without* debug symbols.
Running Python + debug symbols shows that the interpreter takes a
 different path and does not core dump (does not even call PyTuple_Size()
for some reason)

Anyway, I've uploaded the backtrace and some gdb tracing in here:

* http://users.unix-heaven.org/~dnaeon/cython-wrappers/wrappers-trace.txt

The code that I have you can find in here:

* http://users.unix-heaven.org/~dnaeon/cython-wrappers/src/

What really puzzles me is why it core dumps when Python does not have debug
symbols and why it takes a different path (and not core dumping) when
Python is built with debug symbols.

I'd say that if it core dumps because of a NULL pointer or something
similar, then having Python with or without debug symbols should not make a
difference, but it does for some reason.

I've been working on this for the past few days and I'm out of ideas now.

Any help/hints/feedback is much appreciated.

Thanks and regards,

Marin Atanasov Nikolov

dnaeon AT gmail DOT com
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