[Cython] project proposal: line tracing/profiling, coverage, etc.

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Wed May 8 20:43:00 CEST 2013


in the past, Robert and I have invested some work into supporting profiling
and tracing in Cython, and I would like to see this finalised. While Python
level tracing and profiling might not seem like the ideal tools for
performance critical Cython code, they are actually pretty handy when much
of your code is Python code and you want to do, say, coverage analysis over
your whole code base, without having to exclude the Cython parts.

So I've opened a ticket that highlights the missing bits.


If anyone's interested in pursuing this, I'd be glad to help getting you on
the right track. I don't even think there's all that much left to do, but
it's still a bit of cleanup and maybe some naughty little details along the
way. Would make a good entry project, IMHO.

Anyone interested?


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