[Cython] Cython 0.17 beta 3 released - release candidate

Christoph Gohlke cgohlke at uci.edu
Sun Aug 26 10:03:40 CEST 2012

On 8/25/2012 6:51 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
> Christoph Gohlke, 25.08.2012 04:07:
>> On 8/24/2012 12:43 PM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
>>> Christoph Gohlke, 24.08.2012 07:20:
>>>> I tested Cython-0.17b3 on Windows 7 with Visual Studio compilers.
>>>> 32 bit Python 2.7 works well, only 4 test failures.
>>> Three of those errors are in OpenMP tests - is OpenMP supported in your
>>> build environment?
>> OpenMP is available on my system, and parallel.pyd is linked to the openmp
>> library. The prange tests fail only sometimes. On my system, the prange
>> index is sometimes left at the start (zero) of the range, while the tests
>> expect the index to be left at the stop of the range. According to the
>> Cython prange enhancements webpage "the iterations of the loop body can be
>> executed in any order" <http://wiki.cython.org/enhancements/prange>. Where
>> does that leave the loop index?
> Mark should know best. I agree that this seems a bit smelly.
>>> The other one is the new "initial_file_path" test that fails with this
>>> linker error:
>>> """
>>> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\BIN\link.exe /DLL
>>> /LIBPATH:X:\Python27\PCbuild /EXPORT:init__init__
>>> build\temp.win32-2.7\Release\my_test_package\__init__.obj
>>> /OUT:\Cython-0.17b3\BUILD\run\initial_file_path\my_test_package\__init__.pyd
>>> /IMPLIB:build\temp.win32-2.7\Release\my_test_package\__init__.lib
>>> /MANIFESTFILE:build\temp.win32-2.7\Release\my_test_package\__init__.pyd.manifest
>>> LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol init__init__
>>> """
>>> Maybe the Windows build of distutils is broken here - it seems to assume
>>> the wrong module name for the package module.
>> I think this is an issue with the test. The extension does compile and link
>> outside of the tests.
> Hmm, did you run the setup.py script? It compiles the "__init__.py" file as
> well, which is the problem above. Could you check if that's properly being
> imported as a shared library?
> (The way "somefile.srctree" tests work is that they explode into a
> directory structure and then just run the commands in the first lines.)
>>>> On 64 bit Python 2.7 and 3.2 with msvc9 compiler, python.exe crashes during
>>>> `test_slice_assignment (memslice.__test__)`. I tested two computers. The
>>>> Windows executive can not identify in which specific module it crashes, and
>>>> neither enabling faulthandler nor building with debug symbols gives any
>>>> useful information. Can anyone reproduce this? It seems compiler specific
>>>> since Python 3.3, which is using msvc10, does not crash.
>>> Hmm, yes, sounds like a problem with the compiler. Would be good to get
>>> this sorted out, but it's almost impossible to debug something like this
>>> from a distance.
>> Maybe the following simple example is related. It fails (not crash) when
>> compiled with 64 bit msvc9, but does work with 32 bit msvc9 and msvc10 (32
>> and 64 bit):
>> ```
>> from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
>> import numpy as np
>> narr = np.arange(8 * 14 * 11).reshape((8, 14, 11))
>> cdef int[:, :, ::1] a = narr
>> cdef int[:, :, :] b = a[2:8:2, -4:1:-1, 1:3]
>> print narr[2:8:2, -4:1:-1, 1:3].shape
>> print b.shape[0], b.shape[1], b.shape[2]
>> ```
>> On win-amd64-py2.x the shape of b is (3, 9, 3) but it should be (3, 9, 2)
> I'll leave that for the others to comment.

This failure and the test crash disappear when auto-inlining is 
disabled, e.g. using the `/Ob1` compiler switch 

Is there a way to add a C pre-processor `#pragma` to a Cython generated 
C file? I tried `cdef void emit_pragma '#pragma auto_inline(off) //' ()` 
but the pragma ends up inside the Python module init function, which 
fails to compile with `error C2156: pragma must be outside function`.

>>> """
>>> bufaccess.obj : warning LNK4197: export 'PyInit_bufaccess' specified
>>> multiple times; using first specification
>>> """
>> This is "normal".
> So you have an idea why this happens? Is it because of that explicit
> /EXPORT command line switch for the module init function name?

seems to be an issue with distutils: <http://bugs.python.org/issue9709>


> Stefan
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