[Cython] Anyone for a doc cleanup before the release?

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sat Aug 11 05:58:16 CEST 2012

Fernando Perez, 11.08.2012 05:40:
> Question: would you guys be open to including here:
> http://docs.cython.org/src/quickstart/build.html
> a note about IPython similar to the Sage one?

I think it's either both or none.

> Something like:
> """
> Similarly, in IPython (as of version 0.13) there is also Cython
> support that can be used by loading the `cythonmagic` extension.  This
> provides several Cython-related magic functions, the main one being
> `%%cython` that can be used to prefix blocks of Cython for automatic
> compilation and importing. This extension can be used at the command
> line, in the Qt console and in the notebook.
> """
> If you also want an accompanying screenshot, I've made one using the
> same code and call form as the Sage one for symmetry:
> http://i.imgur.com/RpUY9.png.

I was always thinking that that screenshot takes a lot of space on that
page compared to the actual text. Looks more like an advertisement and
diverts the reader.

Maybe we should move both Tools to this page:


The quickstart page should then additionally mention cythonize() as an
easier alternative to build_ext (although it requires an installed Cython)
and can contain a sentence on IPython and the Sage notebook that links to
the userguide page. Maybe even more than a sentence because for those who
use one of the tools they are the real quickstart. But without the screenshots.

> If you prefer this in the form of a PR, let me know (and whether you
> want it with or without figure).

Yes, once we know what to make of it, please send a pull request.


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