[Cython] test failure for cython-devel in Py2.4

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Thu Oct 13 10:53:48 CEST 2011

Stefan Behnel, 13.10.2011 07:10:
> mark florisson, 12.10.2011 23:46:
>>> Is it me or are other builds broken as well?
>>> I pushed a fix for the tempita thing, but it seems the entire py3k build is
>>> broken:
>>> https://sage.math.washington.edu:8091/hudson/view/All/job/cython-devel-build/54/PYVERSION=py3k/console
> It's not only the py3k tests, the build is broken in general.

I take that back. I thought I had seen failures in other versions, too, but 
that might have been in older builds. Currently, it is only broken in the 
py3k branch, which opens up the possibility that it has something to do 
with the large rewrites that recently went into CPython, specifically (but 
not necessarily limited to) the unicode changes for PEP393.

I disabled the py3k builds for now and that at least gets the other builds 
through. I still see the tempita bug in Py2.4, though:



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