[Cython] Control Flow

Vitja Makarov vitja.makarov at gmail.com
Mon May 30 22:15:56 CEST 2011

2011/5/30 Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de>:
> Vitja Makarov, 30.05.2011 20:53:
>> I see sigsegv in lxml tests:
>> 1222/1364 ( 89.6%): test_xmlschema_import_file
>> (lxml.tests.test_xmlschema.ETreeXMLSchemaTestCase) ... Segmentation
>> fault
>> https://sage.math.washington.edu:8091/hudson/job/cython-devel-lxml-trunk-py27/890/console
>> Is that control flow related issue?
> No, don't bother with that one.
> It's been crashing at that point for ages and I can't figure out why. It
> only crashes on sage.math, and only when running two of the tests in
> combination (a threading test and the one above). So far, I couldn't
> reproduce this on any other machine, nor is it any clear what may trigger
> this. I'm pretty sure it's not a Cython related bug, though.

Ok, according to last 4 builds it's fails 75% so maybe try to run it
under gdb with bt hook?


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