[Cython] Control Flow

Dag Sverre Seljebotn d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no
Fri May 27 16:37:20 CEST 2011

On 05/27/2011 04:27 PM, Vitja Makarov wrote:
> I've recently fixed some issues:
>   - closure variables were not tracked
>   - scoped expression variables were initialized to None
> So, I should fix broken tests, here are some of them:
> nogil (should be fixed)
> purecdef (upstream)
> cfunc_directive_in_pyclass (upstream)
> bufaccess_noassignT444 (should be removed?)

One could make it an error testcase instead, trapping the syntax error 
you now raise. Depends on how confident you are on new control flow 
tests and whether buffers are tested there.

> bufaccess (should be fixed)

Yeah, feel free to just remove nousage() and printbuf().

> ass2longlong (should be fixed)
> builtinfuncs (should be fixed)
> extcmethcall (should be fixed)
> extcoerce (fixed or removed?)
> e_extweakref (should be fixed)


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