[Cython] local variable handling in generators

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Tue May 24 06:33:36 CEST 2011

Vitja Makarov, 23.05.2011 21:33:
> 2011/5/23 Stefan Behnel:
>> However, once we really know which values change between yield calls, i.e.
>> which ones need to be stored away, it will actually be less expensive in
>> most cases. We currently pay the indirection penalty for each access, even
>> read access, whereas the C compiler can then keep important variables in
>> registers and only write them back once per yield.
> I think that all not NULL variables should be saved/restored inside yield.
> I can not really track changes only assignments.

I mean "assignments" when I write "changes". When a variable is being 
assigned to, we should assume that its value changed. Users can be expected 
to be smart enough to avoid unnecessary assignments in most cases, there's 
no need to put work into optimising them away automatically.

> for i in a:
>      yield i  # j is NULL here
> for j in b:
>      yield j # a, b, i ,j should be saved/restored

Right. However, in general, we can expect that most variables will have 
been initialised on a yield.

We can still avoid storing away C typed variables that are not being used 
later on, because they are not reference counted.

And if the user sets 'a' and 'i' to None between the loops, they won't need 
to be saved on the second yield either. But that's an optimisation, not a 


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