[Cython] OpenMP support

Francesc Alted faltet at pytables.org
Sat Mar 12 11:58:32 CET 2011

A Saturday 12 March 2011 02:43:16 Sturla Molden escrigué:
> The free C/C++ compiler in Windows SDK supports OpenMP. This is the
> system C compiler on Windows.

System compiler on Windows?  I've never heard defining MSVC like this ;)

> OpenMP on GCC is the same on Windows as on any other platform.

In principle yes.  But it is curious how the NumPy crew are still not 
being able to offer 64-bit binaries for Windows.  Could not they use the 
'system C compiler'?  Could not they use the GCC 4.x for Win?  My 
impression is that this compiler issue on Win is more hairy than you are 

Not that I'm a big fan of Windows platforms, but we have to accept the 
fact that its user base is simply huge.

Francesc Alted

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