[Cython] Class scope lookup order

Vitja Makarov vitja.makarov at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 13:03:02 CEST 2011

2011/8/15 Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de>:
> Vitja Makarov, 15.08.2011 11:55:
>> 2011/8/15 Stefan Behnel:
>>> Stefan Behnel, 15.08.2011 11:34:
>>>> at least to me, the most surprising thing is this:
>>>>  >>>  A = 1
>>>>  >>>  def foo(x):
>>>>  ...   A = x
>>>>  ...   class X:
>>>>  ...     a = A
>>>>  ...   return X
>>>>  ...
>>>>  >>>  foo(2).a
>>>>  2
>>>>  >>>  def foo(x):
>>>>  ...   A = x
>>>>  ...   class X:
>>>>  ...     A = A
>>>>  ...   return X
>>>>  ...
>>>>  >>>  foo(2).A
>>>>  1
>>>> That looks pretty sick, but I would guess that the 'reasoning' behind
>>>> this
>>>> is that the second case contains an assignment to A inside of the class
>>>> namespace, and assignments make a variable local to a scope, in this
>>>> case,
>>>> the function scope.
>>> Argh, sorry, I interpreted the results the wrong way around.
> ... or rather used the right reasoning to draw the wrong conclusion. ;)
> Ok, so there's an assignment in the second case, which makes A local to the
> class scope, thus overriding the definition in the function scope. Now, when
> it's being looked up at runtime, it's not in the class locals, so the lookup
> falls through to the globals. In the first case, it's not defined in the
> class scope at all, so it's taken from the surrounding function scope
> directly (and statically).
>> I've tried emulate this behaviour in cython here:
>> https://github.com/vitek/cython/commit/26ec702fd93fb6dc2109a501b52130e5f775c793
> My feeling is that it should rather be a matter of static analysis to figure
> out which is meant, although I think your change mimics what CPython does. I
> guess this would fix #671, right?

Yes. And I use CF info in my commit.

>> Actually I think this is made to support assignments like A = A in class
>> scope.
> This behaviour wouldn't be strictly required for that goal. My guess is that
> it was just simpler to implement in CPython, because it has less special
> cases. Having to look up a name in a series of outer scopes in the case that
> it happens not to be defined in a class scope yet (although it is known to
> get defined therein at some point), or even remembering the right scope
> where it needs to get looked up, is trickier than just falling through to
> the globals.

It's documented here:


Names may be resolved in the local and global namespaces of the
caller. Free variables are not resolved in the nearest enclosing
namespace, but in the global namespace.


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