[Cython] Hudson pyregr testing takes too long

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Thu Apr 7 13:52:00 CEST 2011

Stefan Behnel, 07.04.2011 13:46:
> I just noticed that the CPython pyregr tests have jumped up from ~14
> minutes for a run to ~4 hours when we added generator support.
> https://sage.math.washington.edu:8091/hudson/view/cython-devel/job/cython-devel-tests-pyregr-py26-c/buildTimeTrend
> I currently have no idea why that is (well, it's likely because we compile
> more tests now, but Vitja's branch ran the tests in ~30 minutes). It would
> be great if someone could find the time to analyse this problem. The
> current run time makes it basically impossible to keep these tests enabled.

Ok, it looks like this is mostly an issue with the Py2.6 tests. The Py2.7 
tests take 30-45 minutes, which is very long, but not completely out of 
bounds. I've disabled the Py2.6 pyregr tests for now.


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