[Csv] Re: [Python-checkins] python/nondist/sandbox/csv csv.py,1.4,1.5

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Jan 31 13:10:57 CET 2003

    andrew> Modified Files:
    andrew>     csv.py 
    andrew> Log Message:
    andrew> Rename dialects from excel2000 to excel. Rename Error to be
    andrew> CSVError.  Explicity fetch iterator in reader class, rather than
    andrew> simply calling next() (which only works for self-iterators).

Minor nit.  I think Error was fine.  That's the standard for most extension
modules.  I would normally import csv then reference its objects through it.
csv.CSVError looks redundant to me.  I'm not a "from csv import CSVError"
kind of guy however, so I can understand the desire to make the name more
explicit when considered alone.


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