[Csv] trial zip/tar packages of csv module available

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Thu Feb 13 20:00:36 CET 2003

If you are interested in reading or writing CSV files from Python and you
have Python 2.2 or 2.3 available, please take a moment to download, extract
and install either or both of the following URLs:


If you'd prefer, you can grab the files the the Python CVS sandbox:


Not included in the above zip/tgz files is the latest version of PEP 305.
You can view it here:


The goal is to get this package into Python 2.3, though we've tried to keep
it working under 2.2.  It uses iterators, so I don't know if it will work
with anything before 2.2.  The package has been built on Linux and Mac OS X
at this point.  I think it's been built on Windows though I'm not positive.
There shouldn't be anything terribly platform-dependent there.

To build and install, just do the usual distutils dance:

    python setup.py install

If you cd to the test subdirectory, you can run the 60 or so unit tests:

    cd test
    python test_csv.py

If your Python interpreter was configured using --with-pydebug it will run a
few memory leak tests.  If not it will let you know they are being skipped.
(If you try it both ways, make sure to delete the build subdirectory between
builds, otherwise you'll get link errors.)

Feedback is welcomed on both the package and the PEP, but please remember to
include csv at mail.mojam.com in your mail.



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