[Cryptography-dev] Signing a CSR with your own CA

Kevin Hughes kevinhughes27 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 12:19:29 EDT 2019

Hey Cryptography Devs,

I am trying to figure how to use pyca/cryptography to sign a CSR with my
own CA and I can't quite see how I am supposed to do this using the
library. I have finished and understood the tutorial for creating a CSR

I've previously worked through how to do this with raw openssl commands:

openssl x509 \
  -req \
  -in "csr.pem" \
  -CA myCA.pem \
  -CAkey myCA.key \
  -passin "pass:$ca_password" \
  -CAcreateserial \
  -out "crt.pem" \
  -days 1825 \
  -sha256 \
  -extfile "extfile.txt"

I appreciate the help and look forward to using this library

- Kevin
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