[Cryptography-dev] Upcoming pyOpenSSL release

Cory Benfield cory at lukasa.co.uk
Wed Mar 16 11:34:21 EDT 2016

Speaking with my committer hat on…

> On 16 Mar 2016, at 12:04, Hynek Schlawack <hs at ox.cx> wrote:
> # The communities need to coalesce.
> This is both an announcement and a question.  I refuse to take care of the #pyopenssl channel and the pyopenssl-users mailing list.  They have to be merged into PyCa.
> Now the question is: should I just send everyone to cryptography-dev and #cryptography-dev or are we going forth and finally do a #pyca/#pyca-dev channels and/or mailing lists?

I literally didn’t know that the list/channel existed. I’ve used #cryptography-dev for both purposes. I’d be ok with bringing it into /#?cryptography-dev/.

> # Domain?
> We spoke a few times about it without a real conclusion.  I find having a pyca.io like pypa.io would be neat.


> # CoC
> The PSF CoC is crap.  Anyone opposed adopting http://contributor-covenant.org which seems to be the general consensus outside “my constitutional rights are violated if I can’t go full Torvalds in code review” circles?

I’m strongly +1 on adopting the contributor covenant, which I already use everywhere else I can.

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