[Cryptography-dev] [Proposal] Intent to deprecate and remove: Python 2.6

Alex Gaynor alex.gaynor at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 22:43:59 EST 2015

Hi all,

I'd like to propose we formally deprecate (in our next release) and remove
(in the release thereafter) support for Python2.6.

It is no longer under support from its developers (which makes it a
security risk), its use is more or less confined to users of CentOS and
RHEL (which means SCL is available to them, and they have a corporate
benefactor to complain to if it doesn't work), and its seriously funking
with our development workflow because it's so abysmally slow in CI (which
means it's annoying me enough to want to solve this).

There is genuinely no justifiable reason to use Python 2.6 anymore, both
Django and Twisted have dropped it.

If this would _seriously_ impact you, please reply to this thread. If
possible I'd also like to hear from our downstreams.


"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
say it." -- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (summarizing Voltaire)
"The people's good is the highest law." -- Cicero
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