[Cryptography-dev] OpenSSL Random Engine PR

Laurens Van Houtven _ at lvh.io
Mon Jan 20 22:58:03 CET 2014

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Alex Stapleton <alexs at prol.etari.at>wrote:

> I'm not certain urandom ever reduces entropy_avail?

I think it does (or at least shouldshould); extract_entropy_user calls
account which does the accounting.

> The OpenSSL RNG also seeds from the kernel anyway so it can also cause
> depletion in some circumstances. Generally I don't think entropy estimation
> is our problem to fix.


> Separately it is probably worth documenting the entropy issue on Linux
> though just because it's generally useful info. Perhaps with some suggested
> solutions such as an entropy key, egd, havegd, etc
Why is Linux special here?

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