[Cryptography-dev] Desired API

Alex Gaynor alex.gaynor at gmail.com
Tue Jul 30 18:48:02 CEST 2013

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Jean-Paul Calderone <
jean-paul at hybrid-cluster.com> wrote:

>  On 07/29/2013 08:13 PM, Alex Gaynor wrote:
>  So my idea is that we have something like:
>  cryptography.c -> contains all teh cffi crap
>  cryptography.primitives.* -> contains low level algorithms for example:
>    cryptography.primtives.encryption.aes -> implementation of AES
> cryptography.* -> contains high level recipes, for example:
>    cryptography.encryption: contains a thing which takes an encryption
> algorithm and a hasher and and does the right thing.
>  What do people think?
>   I'm sure that would work.  Please don't count this email as a -anything.
> However, `cryptography.encryption´ next to
> `cryptography.primitives.encryption´ seems like it's asking for trouble.
> If `cryptography.primitives´ is for things like AES, then how about
> `cryptography.primitives.cipher´ instead?  Or perhaps even better,
> `cryptography.cipher´.
> cryptography.primitives.aes and cryptography.ciphers how about? primitives
are written in terms of their algorithm (and maybe grouped by topic?),
recipe things are written in terms of broader descriptors/purpose.

> Also, make sure to pick a convention for singular vs plural.  is it
> `primitives´ or `primitive´?  `cipher´ or `ciphers´?  Neither is better,
> but mixing them is bad.
> Should there be more of an outline for the scope of the project?  That
> might guide some of the package organization as well.  I know that some
> discussion happened, it might be good to record the outcome somewhere.
> Jean-Paul
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So the outline I think we agreed on was:

Start by getting the C infrastructure in place and exposing primitives,
eventually expose higher level recipes.


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