[C++-sig] Python support in boost::python (what version)

Jones, Torrin A (US) torrin.jones at baesystems.com
Wed May 22 13:41:40 EDT 2019

What did you expect ? It's obvious that a given release of Boost.Python can not make any compatibility guarantees about future Python releases

. . .

What's your point, exactly ? What are you trying to do ?
You're right.  All I'm trying to do is gather information that I can submit and hopefully get approved.

I would *hope* that Boost.Python 1.66.0 was compatible with Python 3.6.4

Agreed.  That was just an example for illustration.  Not a criticism.  And since you made the point about the major and minor version of python and backward-compatibility that's something else for me to think about before I present something.

Thanks for your help on this.

From: Cplusplus-sig [mailto:cplusplus-sig-bounces+torrin.jones=baesystems.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Stefan Seefeld
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 9:16 AM
To: cplusplus-sig at python.org
Subject: Re: [C++-sig] Python support in boost::python (what version)

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On 2019-05-20 11:20 a.m., Jones, Torrin A (US) wrote:
For clarity, my boss is asking, "what version of python does boost python support?"  I was hoping there was some kind of table or something, but I guess the answer is something like, "It supports whatever version of python was out at the time that boost python was released?"  And then we can go back and look at release dates.  LOL.

What did you expect ? It's obvious that a given release of Boost.Python can not make any compatibility guarantees about future Python releases, unless, of course, Python itself promises to be fully backward compatible. That's precisely why the versioning scheme used by Python supports the distinction between "major" and "minor" version, to be able to make statements as to what degree of backward-compatibility to expect.
Ex: boost python 1.66.0 was released/tagged on Nov 17, 2017.  Python 3.6.3 was released on Oct 3, 2017.  Python 3.6.4 was released on Dec 19. 2017.  So in theory boost python 1.66.0 has support for Python 3.6.3, but does not have support for Python 3.6.4.  I know that's ludicrous but, I work in the corporate world so here we are.

What's your point, exactly ? What are you trying to do ?

(For the specific case, I would *hope* that Boost.Python 1.66.0 was compatible with Python 3.6.4, for the reason I cite above. But of course, there is no guarantee. Boost is Free Software, and its license (https://www.boost.org/users/license.html) clearly states that it is provided "...without warranty of any kind...". So make of it what you want.)



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...
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