[C++-sig] Boost.Python: C++ object in python: Cannot add to C++ base class list.

Christoff Kok christoff.kok at ex-mente.co.za
Fri Oct 9 09:33:18 CEST 2015


I am trying to extend existing C++ objects in Python via inheritance.
I can do this successfully and run virtual methods overridden in Python.
When I however, try to add the python object to a list of pointers of the
C++ Base object type(the Base object the python class has overridden), I
get a type error: 'Attempting to append an invalid type'

I am sure this error is due to there begin no 'implicitly_convertible'
functionality from derived* to base*. In C++, this would be defined as so:
Is it possible to define this in python?

How can I achieve this?

Here is sample code reproducing this behaviour.


struct Base {
    virtual ~Base() {}
    virtual int f() = 0;
struct A {
    std::vector<Base*>& GetBaseList() { return m_base_List; }
    std::vector<Base*> m_base_List;
struct BaseWrap : Base, wrapper<Base> {
    int f() { return this->get_override("f")(); }

    class_<BaseWrap, Base*, boost::noncopyable>("Base", no_init)
        .def("f", pure_virtual(&Base::f));

    class_<A, A*>("A", init<>())
        .add_property("baseList", make_function(&A::GetBaseList,




from sandbox import *

class derived(Base):

def __init__(self):

self.name = "test"

def f(self):

print("Hello Derived!")

d = derived()

d.f()                                 # Output: Hello Derived!

a = A()

a.baseList.append(d)      # TypeError: Attempting to append an invalid type

Any help or ideas will be greatly appreciated.

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